Wednesday 2 November 2022

Remember When A Man Had A Middle-Aged Crisis...

..and bought a Porsche or took a young mistress? Or went off to 'find themselves' on Annapurna?

Good times.


  1. Remember? I'm still doing all three and more!

    Are you they're, WC Jaded? What a lovely morning.

  2. These public figures with no sense of dignity remind me of the Vicar of Stiffkey although it's probable that the good vicar was sadly misunderstood (unlike Hancock)

  3. 10270 miles. How did they measure that? With such accuracy?
    I wish they had taken a few more. Truss, Starmer, May and Gaynor would be good.
    You all have your own little list.

  4. Apparently, this numpty has said that he will donate more than his Parliamentary salary to charity (and we all know central politicians are truthful people). As he will be receiving many times that for pretending to be a nice person in an Australian setting, he'll still be quids in. I wonder if his charitable donations will include the thousands of Pounds claimed in expenses? After all, divorces don't come cheap these days.

  5. It won't be the first time he's made a fool of himself on camera will it?

  6. "These public figures with no sense of dignity ..."

    Why are there so very many of them now?

    "I wish they had taken a few more. Truss, Starmer, May and Gaynor would be good."

    A Politician's Special would surely draw a large audience. I might even tune in!

    "It won't be the first time he's made a fool of himself on camera will it?"

    Nor, I suspect, the last...
