Monday 2 January 2023

There's Good News And Bad News For Hookers In The Sunshine State...

First, the good news:
Prostitution will be easier in California through Senate Bill 357 that would repeal current laws that prohibit loitering in the state with the intent of prostitution. Woke Democratic Senator Scott Wiener authored the bill to halt the crack down of the criminalization of prostitution. Wiener insisted argued that the current law targets the LGBT and black communities 'for simply existing and looking like a “sex worker” to law enforcement.'
Now, the bad:
Fur has been a part of California history before the gold rush in the 1800s with several Europeans and Americans flocking to the west coast for otter and seal fur. Now, fur products may no longer be sold or made in the state under Assembly Bill 44 authored by Assemblymember Laura Friedman (D). Violators can face up to a $1,000 fine, according to The National Review.

 "I hope that's fake, sweetie.."


  1. If anyone was going to make prostitution easier in La La land, it had to be a man called Weiner.

  2. The Sunshine State is, officially, Florida. CA is the basket-case state.

  3. Prostitution is legal in the UK.

  4. I thought Queensland was the Sunshine State.

    Oh, but of course you're talking about the Yanks.

  5. The law targets LGBTQ and black people for existing and looking like sex workers to law enforcement?
    So he's saying that LGBTQ and black people spend their evenings out on the streets dressed as sex workers? If so, maybe that's something that LGBTQ and black people need to address, rather than the law?
    Although, looking at all those videos of fights in Wallmart and various fast food places that do the rounds on Twitter, they're nearly all black women and they all dress in very tiny outfits that let all the fat rolls hang out...

  6. "If anyone was going to make prostitution easier in La La land, it had to be a man called Weiner."


    "CA is the basket-case state."

    Certainly shaping up that way!

    "So he's saying that LGBTQ and black people spend their evenings out on the streets dressed as sex workers?"

    The bigotry of low expectations is never far from the Left, have you noticed?
