Saturday 4 February 2023

A Headline From Clown World

If someone has a penis and testicles, they are a man. Unless they keep them in a jar, of course. 

No, 'Mail', even if you put them in inverted commas, that doesn't help...


  1. Surely it should have been the word "woman" in inverted commas?

  2. If it is a 'woman' then those appendages should be cut off and there wouldn't be any problems.

  3. There is an old book by a guy called Charles Mackay called Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. It is a bit of a tough read as it goes into a lot of detail on each of the subjects that are covered. I'm starting to think that an updated version or maybe a volume II is overdue.

  4. "Surely it should have been the word "woman" in inverted commas?"

    Well, quite! Doonhammer agrees.

    "If it is a 'woman' then those appendages should be cut off and there wouldn't be any problems."

    An elegant solution!

    "I'm starting to think that an updated version or maybe a volume II is overdue."

    Along with a rewrite of '1984'..?
