Thursday 18 May 2023

"But It's Worked So Well In Comprehensive Education!"

The number of guide dog owners in the UK has declined from more than 5,000 in 2017 to 3,695 in 2022, despite demand remaining stable, according to an open letter written to the heads of Guide Dogs UK.

And he presumably knows his onions Labradors... 

Alan Brooks, who has won two major awards for his work with guide dogs over 50 years, including setting up training programmes in Europe and leadership roles at Guide Dogs UK.

So, where is it all going wrong suddenly? 

“The new programme isn’t working. Basically, the system is a non-punishment system, so you’re not even allowed to say no to a dog in a firm voice if it does something wrong – as a result dogs aren’t getting through the training programme and the population of guide dog owners has dropped by 25%,” he said, adding that he believes a rewards-based system works only for certain personalities of dog.

Ah. The 'no punishment or consequences for bad behaviours' that's turned our schools into the models of good behaviour they are? 

He said that many knowledgable training staff and puppy-walking volunteers he had spoken to thought Step was “ineffective and their efforts are wasted”, leading them to become “demotivated and demoralised”.

And the charity relies on them. So what does it have to say for itself? 

Noting that there are differing views on training dogs, Guide Dogs UK defended its methods as “based on the highest level of dog welfare and prioritise the wellbeing and safety of the guide dog and its owner”.

Typical of any modern organisation; dig in, double down, never admit you could have got it wrong... 

“We are proud to use ethical, evidence-based practices which maintain the highest level of dog welfare. We make no apologies for eliminating physical punishment or techniques which are proven to cause fear and stress to dogs. Our firm and unwavering view is that society has progressed and that we must move with the times.”

Ah, yes, 'progress'. The watchword of the moment. And yet...didn't this chap have something to say about words?



  1. Some years ago, I changed one of the beneficiaries in my will from the RNLI taxi service (I hope giving to local lifeboat stations avoids the 'wokeness'), and nearly switched to Guide Dogs. Reading this makes me glad I didn't choose them.

  2. The Meissen Bison18 May 2023 at 13:12

    My experience of owning Labradors over several decades is that while human society may have evolved, Labrador society is obstinately unwavering. I've just consulted the present incumbent of the coveted mat in front of the aga and she tells me that inclusivity means inclusive of dinner, equity is what I must invest in a new labrador playmate and as for diversity, she's black and proud and could I please go away: she'll let me know when it's time to de-colon-ise.

  3. Blimey! are you saying that the training of guide dogs has gone downhill and the buggers killed that fellas father? This need looking into! :)

  4. A retired friend of mine, a woman who had a temporary brush with blindness, decided she wanted to put something back into society by volunteering to help train a guide dog. This friend has had a long and successful experience in training dogs both her own and helping others to do the same.

    She made approaches to the Guide Dogs charity and got past the initial vetting. However she refused to go any further when she encountered the rules that Guide Dogs were telling her to follow. In addition to the sort of woke training rules that our host has described, there were a multitude of different rules about where the dog should and should not sleep. The rules that Guide Dogs demanded that she follow were so onerous and in some cases mad that she decided that she would not bother to help train guide dogs.

    This sounds like a case where individuals in Guide Dogs HQ have come up with ideas that are either impractical, not based on the best or most effective dog training practise or heavily influenced by the extremes of the Animal Rights groups.

    Without people who are willing to train guide dogs then there will of course be a drop off in the amount of guide dogs available.

  5. " Reading this makes me glad I didn't choose them."

    I've no intention of giving ANY large charity a donation. I choose local small charities run on a shoestring.

    "...while human society may have evolved, Labrador society is obstinately unwavering. "

    I'm not sure we are continuing to evolve - labs may beat us in the end!

    "Blimey! are you saying that the training of guide dogs has gone downhill and the buggers killed that fellas father? "


    "This sounds like a case where individuals in Guide Dogs HQ have come up with ideas that are either impractical, not based on the best or most effective dog training practise or heavily influenced by the extremes of the Animal Rights groups."

    As with all large charities, this one has been hollowed out from within. Truly, progressives are a cancer.
