Saturday 20 May 2023

Funny Way To Show Gratitude...

Court proceedings against a woman refugee accused of attempting to murder a social worker have been delayed, after she claimed the alleged victim attacked her.
Appearing for a committal hearing at Dungannon Magistrates’ Court today was Fiyori Kesete, now established to be aged 24. She had claimed to be child refugee, however her real age has since been established.

And only when it's far too late, and she's buried herself like a tick into the system, you'll note. 

At a previous hearing last November, a detective constable explained Kesete is a refugee who travelled to Northern Ireland by herself in 2021 from Eritrea in East Africa.
Without any parental or responsible adult input, she was assigned support by the Southern Health and Social Care Trust 14+ Team, residing in specialist accommodation in Dungannon.

'Support' actually meaning 'life of comparative luxury' compared to her life in Eritrea... 

Prior to the incident she was reported missing seven times including the days running-up to her arrest. On that occasion, she was located in Belfast by police who alerted her social worker and took her to her accommodation, which had been cleaned and prepared for her return after being missing for several days.
The court heard she entered the property with her social worker who went into the kitchen and began unpacking groceries telling her, “I’ve bought you all your favourite things.

And was she grateful, unable to believe her good fortune? Reader, we already know, don't we? 

It is alleged Kesete without warning, “Immediately struck the social worker to the back of her head with a knife.” The victim screamed and was struck again to the head, then once to the neck and twice to the arm.

I guess you can take the woman out of Africa, but... 

The social worker was rushed in an ambulance to hospital where she underwent emergency surgery.
At that stage the court was told Kesete’s identity remained unconfirmed and there are five different dates of birth and six variations of her age registered with the Home Office.

And did that not trigger some sort of warning on the computer systems at the Home Office? And if not, why not? 


  1. Asylum seeker lying about his/her age? What a surprise.
    Boatloads more "children" arriving every day.

  2. Why? because the Home Office (like every other government department) is staffed and run almost entirely/exclusively by ... fellow tribalist "immigrants".

    "Affirmative Action" ensures that everyone is 'required' to hire these incompetent freeloaders, none more so than government at every level, and once they are so ensconced (being unfirable) they ... recruit, hire and promote only their fellow tribalists. Result? What we see now.

    So? You really expect fellow invaders and parasites to police and protect us from ... people exactly like them (if not friends, family and every member of their village/tribe/country)? Their priority isn't to limit and remove undesirables but to encourage and aid them.

    Every failed, or failing, institution, organisation, system or company over the last few decades can trace that failure back to ... AA (be it women, ethnics or deviants).

  3. "Boatloads more "children" arriving every day."

    And no apparent will to stop them...

    "Why? because the Home Office (like every other government department) is staffed and run almost entirely/exclusively by ... fellow tribalist "immigrants"."

    And yesterday, we saw the inevitable result of that on the streets...
