Tuesday 2 May 2023

Is It The Only Time You See 'Ongoing Police Activity' Then?

After the fact, never before?
Gwent Police Chief Inspector Laura Bartley said: 'Officers will be making further enquiries at this time and will remain at the scene as the investigation progresses.
'It is possible that you may see ongoing police activity in Caerphilly as part of this work but please do not be alarmed.
'If you have concerns or information then please do stop and talk with us.'

'If you can find us, look in the nearest Greggs...' 

H/T: Ian J via email

1 comment:

  1. Reading between the lines:
    "You'll see precious little of us at other times, such as not patrolling the streets." As seems to be the norm in the detached from the public, politicised paramilitaries the police have devolved into.
    As an example, the Met have over 1200 officers they say they cannot sack, on "non public facing duties" and 900 officers sitting on their arses drinking coffee trawling Twitter for hurty-words playing censor and going after soft targets, giving the illusion of activity and massaging otherwise lamentable clear-up rates. I have personal experience of this.
