Monday 12 June 2023

Move It Monday: June

This month, it's an artist I never thought I'd ever give houseroom (funk and acid jazz? from the 90s?), but this - 'Canned Heat' by Jamiroquai - is just so infectious I can't help myself every time it comes on. 

And the video's really quite charming!



  1. On a good day I can stand trash for a full 20 seconds.

  2. And you're not wasting your money as he is a patron of fine automotive engineering and spends on making the world more roarily beautiful.

  3. I like you. But you are naughty.
    I thought you were going to give us the original Canned Heat.

  4. "On a good day I can stand trash for a full 20 seconds."

    Never mind, MTG, there's more to go! We'll find something you like before Christmas...

    "...he is a patron of fine automotive engineering..."

    Yes! Love the video for 'Cosmic Girl'. I wondered if they were his own cars?

    "I thought you were going to give us the original Canned Heat."

