Friday 2 June 2023

Time To Play 'Guess The Headline' Once Again...

Well, what could it be? Climbing them? Carving their names in the trunks? 

It can't be being injured by falling coconuts, after all, not in Devon's climate!


Well, I can say I wasn't expecting that.
According to Plymouth Live, the council insists that the work was necessary in order to tackle anti-social behaviour. A council spokesperson said: “The area around the Belvedere shelter has suffered from growing anti-social behaviour, with council officers regularly having to clean up sex and drug paraphernalia.”

Which 'council officers'..? Because if it's the street cleaners or parks staff, some might say that it's their job... 

The spokesperson said: “We will be replacing them with planting that has improved biodiversity benefits and provides a better home to bees and bugs.”

And discourages public sex? Hmmm. Nettles?

The residents aren't convinced: 

The person, who called the palms “stunning”, said the removal of shrubs would merely relocate anti-social behaviour elsewhere and said: “Those causing the problems will simply move elsewhere.
The problem needs to be addressed at root cause level, not moved on.
“These palms were stunning. Adding to biodiversity for sure plus, as all island and seaside people know, they are the best at dissipating wind. The sound of the wind in palm leaves is unique and was something to be enjoyed by all.”
Quite! But not enjoyed in that fashion...

H/T: Ian J via email


  1. Was nobody enjoying bootleg Rock and Roll along with the sex and drugs?

  2. Maybe they meet up for dates? Different sort of palm.
    I am saying nothing about palm action.

  3. Just once, I'd like to see the corrupt idiots in charge punish the wrong-doers and not everybody else, just once!

    Gun crime (ban guns for everybody who 'didn't' commit a crime), knife crime (arrest normals for carrying a penknife, whilst criminals walk around unmolested with their machetes), riots (restrictions on us, whilst the rioters get legal aid, excused and 'compensation' that we pay for), shoplifting (increased costs and restrictions and no charges for them), etc., etc., etc. and always, but always they punish the rest of us, whilst the actual criminals aren't just let-off, they're rewarded.

    It's ... almost as if it's intentional, the Cloward-Piven strategy, create 'issues' to deliberately make life so difficult, the system so broken and corrupted that people will eventually settle for any (globalist/marxist/totalitarian) 'solution' they offer (to the problems 'they' manufactured in the first place).

    It makes you wonder just who has been 'making use of' those palm trees, that the 'only' solution they see to stopping it is removal of the trees. Doesn't it? God forbid they arrest the 'miscreants' and they're all identified as being councillors , council workers and their families/friends (or some favoured demographic).

    I've reached the point that my automatic assumption is whoever is in charge is involved, and should automatically be arrested and banned from ever holding any power ever again (being honest, that's my "restrained" reaction, the real one involves tar and feathers, sharp pointy objects and piano-wire). I think we should give it a try.

  4. "Was nobody enjoying bootleg Rock and Roll along with the sex and drugs?"

    These days, isn't it always rap or jungle?

    "Maybe they meet up for dates? Different sort of palm.
    I am saying nothing about palm action."


    "Just once, I'd like to see the corrupt idiots in charge punish the wrong-doers and not everybody else, just once!"

    Me too, me too...🙄
