Monday 31 July 2023

Did Rishi Learn Any Lessons From The Byelection Disaster...?

...or did he just decide to tinker with small things and hope the larger issues go away? 

Reader, you know the answer, don't you?

The Government does not plan to delay its proposals to phase out gas boilers in homes and replace them with heat pumps.
A UK Government spokesman said the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero still aims to phase out the installation of new and replacement gas boilers by 2035 at the latest.

Well, you all know where to put your cross now. Or, as I intend to, stay home. 


  1. Not me. I'll be voting for the party most likely to start fires.

    As I've said before this is how Hitler got in and history will repeat itself. Humans are so stupid.

  2. "Major heat pump supplier attacks plans to replace gas boilers"

    Nothing like a dose of reality from someone who should know.

    "The multi-millionaire, who owns a heat pump company, also warned they were noisy and only heated water to 54C (129.2F) – less than the 60C recommended by the Health and Safety Executive to kill the legionella bacteria"

    So if you don't freeze to death you'll probably be poisoned instead...

  3. "...history will repeat itself. Humans are so stupid."

    You're not wrong!

    "So if you don't freeze to death you'll probably be poisoned instead..."

