Thursday 6 July 2023

Did The Taser Make Him Fall Backwards?

...or did he overbalance due to the massive chip on his shoulder?

Afriyie was driving three friends back from a party in east London in April 2018 when he was pulled over by police in the City.
Officers told him they believed he was speeding, but he was never prosecuted for this. He believes he was stopped because he was a black man driving a Mercedes.

There's hundreds of them, it's a target rich environment if police want to stop people just for that... 

His legal claim did not go into race discrimination but he said last year that police in the incident “treated him like a wild animal” and that the experience would never have happened to him if he was white.
He was breathalysed and arrested after the machine repeatedly failed to register a result, which can happen if users do not blow hard enough. He was asked to put his hands behind his back to be handcuffed, but pulled his arms away.
His job? Glad you asked, Reader. Youth worker.
Afriyie’s lawyer, Kevin Donoghue, said he was considering an appeal. “Mr Afriyie is exceptionally disappointed with the decision and is considering his options,” he said.
The court has yet to decide whether Afriyie has to pay costs.

I do hope the answer's 'yes'. Then he can teach his charges about those things called 'consequences'. 


  1. Anyone who, deliberately, fails to produce a specimen of breath when required by a Police officer, is a numpty of the highest order. The arrest reason then becomes 'failing to provide'. They could be under the legal limit but, because they are an arrogant prat, claiming racism, asthma (for which there is a legal alternative), or simply bloody mindedness, could still be banned from driving and fined.
    I loved it when drunken drivers felt they knew the law better than I did.

  2. Even now barrack room lawyers think they can get away with drunk driving . “Their mate down the pub” tells them and they believe it . I did actually had a motorist put a two pence coin in his mouth before the breath test and he was most upset when I burst out laughing at him .
    As for this race grifter- he will probably get compensation for the police having the cheek to stop him in the first place.

  3. "Anyone who, deliberately, fails to produce a specimen of breath when required by a Police officer, is a numpty of the highest order. "

    He's certainly no loss to the world of youth workers. He will get the sack, won't he?

    Won't he? 🙄

    " I did actually had a motorist put a two pence coin in his mouth before the breath test and he was most upset when I burst out laughing at him ."

