Sunday 9 July 2023

Errr, 'Mail', Aren't You Forgetting The Thing About Cuckoos..?

...and that's that they don't raise their young!


  1. A cynic might observe that, in today’s Britain, ‘raising’ one’s infant young means having someone else feed, clean and entertain it on a daily basis - thanks a bunch, Harriet Harman & Co.!

  2. Another thing that must be considered is the number of bird mincers (wind farms) on their migratory flight part - those things are not called bird choppers for nothing.

  3. Very much like other parasites which infest these shores. What's that species called know, the one arriving by dinghy, Julia?

  4. That doesn't mean this isn't correct. Except for the always pushed GW scam.

    Changes to environments wipe species out we know that.

    If the UKs birds have nested and then move on before the cuckoos arrive then their young won't get raised. If they arrive too early then there are no nests for them to invade.

    It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

  5. Peter MacFarlane11 July 2023 at 11:22

    There are loads of cuckoos on the Inner Hebrides and along the north-west coast, as there always were.

    "Climate change" is presumably the same (i.e. negligible) there as it is anywhere else.

    So probably something else is causing this.

    But then it's never about the facts and data, is it?

  6. "A cynic might observe that, in today’s Britain, ‘raising’ one’s infant young means having someone else feed, clean and entertain it on a daily basis..."

    How else are 'impoverished' Europeans to earn a living?

    "Another thing that must be considered is the number of bird mincers (wind farms)..."

    Shhh! We shouldn't mention those!

    "Very much like other parasites which infest these shores."

    You might think that, I couldn't possibly comment!

    "That doesn't mean this isn't correct. "

    Oh, yes, I agree.

    "So probably something else is causing this.

    But then it's never about the facts and data, is it?"

    Of course not! That way lies an uncomfotable truth...
