Wednesday 12 July 2023

Hide And Seek Champion 2023 Title Almost Won!

Around 20 minutes beforehand, police had been called to a domestic disturbance nearby involving a woman in her late 40s and a young boy. Both were hurt, but the extent of their injuries is not know (sic).
A male suspect fled the scene and police believe he then climbed into a bin outside nearby council flats.

Which turned out to be something of a tactical error, since it was Bin Day! Whoopsie!

Detectives are yet to rule out if he deliberately threw himself into the cart or not. A post mortem is now set to be carried out to establish whether the man was deceased or alive when he fell into the dustcart.

It's possible he had a heart attack while in the bin, I suppose. But really, who cares? 


  1. You have elected to swallow the plod story whole, Julia. For me, it is reminiscent of the late 50's when a succession of established tramps were thrown into the river Aire and despite been seen 'collaring' the deceased, Leeds police denied any contact, maintaining that they they were never present at their favourite drowning spot.

  2. Mmmmm. Double edged sword here. If Plod have given up on the courts and dispensing justice to scum then I'm torn. After all Plod don't always get it right.

  3. "You have elected to swallow the plod story whole, Julia."

    Yes, I'm sure you're right...🙄

    "If Plod have given up on the courts and dispensing justice to scum then I'm torn. After all Plod don't always get it right."

    Best of three?
