Tuesday 11 July 2023

I Guess It Didn't Pass, Then?

The attack happened after the large dog, believed to be an Anatolian Shepherd, had a 'little go' at Annabell's grandfather's own German Shepherd.
Both owners quickly moved their dogs away from each other before the Anatolian Shepherd managed to pull away from its owner a few minutes later.
Having broken free the Anatolian Shepherd then pounced on helpless Annabell who was standing just meters away.

In the street? In a friend's garden? No, Reader. At a dog training class... 

A Cambridgeshire Police spokesperson, said: 'We were called at about 10.20am on Sunday, 11 June, with reports a girl had been bitten by a dog in Linton Road, Horseheath.
'The eight-year-old girl was taken to hospital with serious injuries.
'A crime has been raised for allowing a dog to be dangerously out of control and an investigation into the incident is ongoing.'

Well, at least the cops are taking it seriously. That's small comfort.  

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