Monday 10 July 2023

'If It Wasn't For Double Standards' Pt 782345...

Police officers under investigation for discipline offences should have to hand over data from their personal mobile phones, Doreen Lawrence has said.

Wait a minute... 

Police and prosecutors have been told to stop the mass collection of personal information from rape victims or face being fined by the UK’s data watchdog.


The home secretary, Suella Braverman, is yet to respond to the proposals, a spokesperson for the mayor said.

Just how long does it take to write 'Go f*** yourself, Doreen' anyway? 


  1. They will have to prise my Nokia out of my cold dead hand before DPS scum get a look at it. Or I will join the queue of MP's Lords Judges Journalists etc who are having theirs looked at first.

  2. Oh my aching sides.

    You do realise they're already reading/watching/monitoring everything 'everyone' has/does on their phones.

    The only thing new here is they propose to 'use' what they already have (and share amongst themselves) at Menwith Hill and Cheltenham ... against (shock/horror) their own (who just like in France are going to soon realise they are next on the woke hit-list).

    Puts a slightly different perspective on all those terrorists, 'spontaneous' riots and paedophile rings, doesn't it?

    It's 'all' theatre to hoodwink you into not realising you already live in an Orwell/Huxley inspired tyranny (any such crime that occurs is only allowed because 'they' want it to).

    And, Jaded if you actually believe they 'haven't/aren't' already scanning, reading and tracking your phone, then you may be in for a rude awakening.

  3. Dear Anonymous at 1910. Sorry to disappoint you but the post of “ blog nutter” is already taken but you have put forward a good application if he ever gets sectioned.

  4. "blog nutter"taken? I know, and sincerely apologise for encroaching on 'your' well known and renowned prerogative and role.

    Hint: As a useless, self-aggrandised font of all knowledge wannabe, maybe (just maybe) listening to somebody who actually worked at the mentioned establishments (and knows not just capabilities, but daily SOP's), would be better than your wishful thinking based on ... nothing.

    But, no skin off my nose if you get caught (though truth be told, like everybody else here, I would really probably hurt myself laughing if/when you are).

  5. "Or I will join the queue of MP's Lords Judges Journalists etc who are having theirs looked at first."

    They are having trouble getting hold of a certain ex-MP's right now, aren't they?

    "You do realise they're already reading/watching/monitoring everything 'everyone' has/does on their phones."

    They certainly have the capacity to do so. But the manpower? All the time? God, no. Not unless there's good reason to hone in on an individual.
