Saturday 29 July 2023

Some Emotions Are More Equal Than Others...

James Martin and the production company responsible for developing his Saturday morning show have released a joint statement after the TV chef was accused of bullying crew-members on 'multiple occasions.'

Since when was understandable anger at damage to your home called 'bullying', then? 

The production company has made numerous shows with Martin and have taken responsibility for a separate incident, where his home and garden were damaged while filming in 2018. A Blue Marlin spokesperson said: 'An unfortunate incident occurred after filming James Martin's Saturday Morning in 2018 where James' home was badly damaged.
'Blue Marlin Television accepted responsibility. James was shocked by what had happened and on reflection acknowledges he responded emotionally, which he wholly regrets.
'James apologises for any offence or upset caused, as he did at the time to the crew involved.'

Why should he have to apologise for a perfectly understandable reaction, when other TV stars let their emotions leak all over the place, and are praised for it? 

And who is it that decides who is the target of the Two Minute Hate?


  1. Hold on a minute! Blue Marlin Television Limited is the production company of which James Martin is a director. His co-director is his theatrical agent Fiona Lindsay. So effectively James Martin has given his own employees a bollocking and now, five years later, he’s being held to account for it because somebody has sold the story to a newspaper.

    Put away the popcorn. Move on now. There’s nothing to see here.

  2. " So effectively James Martin has given his own employees a bollocking..."

    Good point!
