Thursday 13 July 2023

"Stop! Hammer Time!"

A neighbour said they saw a man leave the house carrying a hammer before sinking to the floor in apparent 'relief' as police arrived on scene. The breed of the dog is still unknown while police await confirmation from a vet.
Well, the sort of family 'pet' that sends three people to Casualty and has to be fought to the death with whatever household implements come to hand probably isn't a Labrador or a cocker spaniel, is it?
An estimated ten police cars, an ambulance, an air ambulance and a black unmarked car had arrived outside the residential property at around 9am.
Residents had said Boughton Avenue was a quiet street with few things going on. One said: "It is shocking and frightening that something like that has happened."

Is it really? There was no warning a large and potentially dangerous animal lived at the address?

Naturally, the pitnutters are out in force, declaring their sorrow for the animal. But then, it seems some of them struggle with all kinds of concepts. Like, for instance, 'news':



  1. Good for the hammer wielder. Shame they didn't get the dog's owner while they were at it!

  2. "Shame they didn't get the dog's owner while they were at it!"

    It appears he WAS one of the owners. Or at least, a close relative. There's more to come out about this story, I feel.

    A child suffered serious leg injuries in the same town at the same time from another dog attack, it now transpires.
