Tuesday 18 July 2023

Wait, What's The Difference?

Hate your body? Want to change it? 

Well, clearly, you're suffering from mental illness, and surgery isn't the answer! You need therapy:

Mairi suggests that she might have Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) – a condition where the sufferer is completely preoccupied with their appearance, and imagined defects, which can lead to fear, distress or anxiety. Tilly doesn’t buy it. “I can’t believe that I’ve got it because I just think I’m actually ugly,” says Tilly. “It’s almost scary or embarrassing to think about saying 'yes, I’ve got it', because then what if the other version is true? People are going to laugh at me.” And so Mairi’s job is to convince Tilly that the diagnosis is correct. She explains that Tilly is walking down a path that “has become so trodden and old and used” and that “coming into therapy is a bit like trying to find a new path.”
Unless, of course, you believe you're really the opposite sex. Then, of course, let's chop bits off you immediately!


  1. What's wrong with just being philosophical about what are just the really basic facts of life? Some people are beautiful, most of us aren't. Nature dealt you a hand and that is what you are stuck with so just try and make the best of it. You can make a difference by how well you look after yourself but it will only take you so far. Even those beautiful people will get old and not so attractive in time.

  2. Stonyground

    That's so sensible that it's totally unacceptable.

  3. "What's wrong with just being philosophical about what are just the really basic facts of life?"

    Because there's a lot of snakeoil salesmen out there making a killing telling you those basic facts can be changed.

    "That's so sensible that it's totally unacceptable."

    It would appear so, sadly...
