Saturday 1 July 2023

When Genuine Concern Translates As 'Hate Speech' To Crazy People...

A good example of the insanity that drives the current trans movement is encapsulated in this Tweet that I saw on Monday morning:


Intrigued as to what poor MsRowling could have done now to stir up the crazies, I read on:

The cognitive dissonance is to be expected - every one of the people in this thread believes they are right and everyone else is wrong. and furthermore, they'll be proven right at some point in the future. 

If Denmark had Twitter back in the 1930s, this is what a discussion on any dissent about the policy on sterilisation of mentally ill people would look like...

So at this point, I backtracked to find out what, exactly, had been retweeted. Had it been something controversial? 

Reader, it was this:

That's not only not at all a controversial view, it's a warning from a medical professional about the dangers of the 'treatment' other doctors are gaily indulging in. 

'Treatment' that leads to cases like this one:
A couple told of their horror after discovering teachers were aware their autistic teenage daughter was taking sex hormones when they had no idea. The parents said they were put in an 'impossible situation' after staff hid her 'social transition' from them. They had met the headteacher at her large secondary in south-east England and made it clear they did not agree to her being called a boy's name or pronouns.
But then they found out some teachers had been calling their daughter, now 16, a boy's name. Horrified, they hired lawyers to demand to see the school's records. These revealed some staff knew the pupil was taking cross-sex hormones to make her body more masculine and using a chest binder to flatten her breasts.

Ms Rowling must look back on her body of work and wonder if Voldemort was perhaps too tame a villain, considering what real life is showing people are capable of... 


  1. Autistic?

    “These revealed some staff knew the pupil was taking cross-sex hormones to make her body more masculine and using a chest binder to flatten her breasts.”

    So? What this really means is … that the staff indoctrinated/brainwashed, instructed, organised and supplied (and probably applied and injected) all of this “mutilation kit” … ‘to’ the (vulnerable and easily manipulated) girl. Or do you really believe she independently came up with this insanity, demanded, arranged and funded it all herself (and they were ‘innocently’ merely going along with it)?

    The fact is, in every single instance and case where this occurs, the staff aren’t “concealing” this, they are actively arranging it. Stop falling for the excuses and lies, they aren’t just supporting this (against parents wishes and children's best interests). They’re not “well intentioned, if dangerously deluded, supporters”, they are active and malicious abusers arranging this at every step (Münchhausen’s by proxy, using any vulnerable child they have power over for their own attention and sick personal and financial gain).

    [I’ll gloss over the guaranteed certainty that … every one of the “staff” involved in this ‘will’ be female, and misandrist lesbian females at that].

    Judge them as the monsters they really are, not the liars and idiots they pretend to be.

  2. They obviously don't teach biology in schools now because if they did all the kids and teachers would know it is impossible to change the sex they were born with. Sex is determined by the chromosomes in each cell of the body - xx for females and xy for males and no amount of body mutilation is going to change that.

  3. "Or do you really believe she independently came up with this insanity, demanded, arranged and funded it all herself..."

    Yes, I believe in UFOs, British Big Cats and the Tooth Fairy too...

    Every adult involved in this farcical situation is guilty of child abuse.

    "They obviously don't teach biology in schools now..."

    Biology is clearly transphobic...😏
