Wednesday 26 July 2023

Why You Should Always Clear Your Browser History...

Carlee, 25, told police she was taken by a white man with 'orange hair' who appeared from the trees on the side of I-459 after she saw a 'baby boy in a diaper' walking along the road on Thursday at around 9.30pm.
Her disappearance sparked a frantic police and volunteer hunt which generated $62,000 in donations to Crime Stoppers, and nationwide fears for the young nursing student.

This smelled worse than the story about the 'Berlin Lioness' to me...but not, at first, to anyone else! 

But as is usual with these stories, it didn't take long for it to unravel:

At a press conference today, Hoover Police revealed new evidence that points to her disappearance being a hoax. 'We have been unable to verify most of her initial statements, and we have no reason to believe there is a threat to public safety,' Hoover Police Chief Nick Derzis said.
Detectives stopped short of accusing her of maliciously lying, instead questioning her mental state, but said they were now struggling to believe her story.

They are only struggling to believe it NOW...?!? 

In the days leading up to her disappearance, she researched terms like: 'Do you have to pay for an Amber alert?' On the day of her disappearance, her Google searches included: 'How to take money from a register without being caught?'

And she'd have got away with it if not for those meddling code-writers!