Saturday 22 July 2023

Wrong Film, Surely..?

A gran-of-eight has described how she watched in horror as a young girl was attacked in a playground by an 'XL bully' dog leaving the tot's face covered in blood. Paige Dyche saw the seven year old cowering under the park's swings as the animal repeatedly went for her, tugging at her leg before pushing her to the ground as she tried to make a desperate run for freedom, during the attack in Merseyside on Monday evening.
Speaking to the Mirror Mrs Dyche says she now plays the moment over and over again in her mind, with the girl 'looking like something from the film Carrie' as the dog's owner desperately jumped on top of it to stop the attack.

Wait, surely 'Cujo' is the Stephen King movie about a killer pooch? 

"The dog wasn't being aggressive it was like he was playing with his prey, like you see a killer whale tossing around a dolphin, it just kept looking at her like, 'what are you going to do next?'."

Oh, yeah, that doesn't sound too agressive, does it, Reader?  

Speaking after the attack, Detective Inspector Emma Kerrigan said: "This was a horrific attack which has left a young girl receiving hospital treatment for injuries to her head and legs.
"We have seized the dog and extensive efforts are underway to establish exactly what happened and to find the owner. "

Why did you 'seize' the dog instead of shooting it dead? And come to think of it, the owner wouldn't have been able to scarper like the revolting coward he is if he'd been ducking flying lead too... 


  1. Nobody can remember Carrie's teeth: she'd have been better likening it to Jaws.

  2. The Carrie reference is surely to the pigs' blood all over her face at the Prom.

  3. The film Carrie is the one about a person covered in blood, so I suppose it still fits

  4. "Nobody can remember Carrie's teeth: she'd have been better likening it to Jaws."


    "The Carrie reference is surely to the pigs' blood all over her face at the Prom."

    Yeah, as Bucko said, that's probably the imagery that she meant.
