Saturday 30 September 2023

So, They Do Exist..?

A former Ministry of Defence police officer has won a discriminations case after she was sacked for failing the bleep test exam. An employment tribunal ruled that the multi-stage fitness exam, which sees participants run back and forth at increasing speed, did not take into account 'innate biological differences' between men and women.

That won't please the trans cult, will it? 

During the grueling fitness test she scored just 6.7 instead of the required 7.6. She continued to be deployed in Scotland in April 2017 but after repeatedly failing attempts at the test was dismissed in October last year.
The College of Policing found that the officer had been 'indirectly discriminated against' on the ground of sex, when other alternative tests could have been made available.

Maybe they didn't see why they should have to provide them for someone unable to meet the basics? 


  1. Well you can't have it both ways can you? Woman are to be treated equally until they aren't.

    The Met bleep test is 5.4 and it's a doddle but people still fail. Rumour has it that that it's going to drop to 3.7 because so many women are failing.

    Why didn't this woman just join a different force where they don't carry guns?They require higher fitness to carry guns in the MOD plod.


  2. It's worse than you think (no seriously).

    Why? The PES-JRFT has already (for decades now) been watered-down (there are no separate male and female targets as of old - there are now only the old female targets ... for all).

    That's right, she didn't just fail to pass the old male targets, she failed (repeatedly) to even pass at the old female level (and the scuttlebut is that 'physical fitness' was the very least of her failings).

    Discrimination? There 'was' proven discrimination though - that of discriminating against lazy, incapable incompetents and ... in the modern world that isn't ever to be allowed (we'll gloss over the whole 'excluding men who are better qualified and capable to allow in those whose only qualification is they have a vagina and want the bennies' discrimination thing though).

  3. How is it the the College of Policing is the body to conduct such an appeal?

  4. Tim Worstal has covered this story too. I thought I'd repost my comment here.
    Yesterday I, along with my wife and her sister, was at the Doncaster Dome at the Britain’s Strongest Woman contest. Among other events, some of these girls carried four times their body weight down a twenty metre track, and lifted four weights of 120, 130, 130 and 150 kilograms up a short flight of stairs. Women can be fit and strong. If they want to do a job that requires that maybe they should hit the gym.

  5. Now they will have to buy a range of lighter guns. Maybe pink with mother of pearl detailing.
    And almost an appropriate forename - Koren. "I want to see the monager."
    Then they will have to assess the risk of any intruder alert and deploy the appropriate plod, plodder or plodesse - or should that be plodette.
    If the latter, the call to action alarm could be a song by Roy Orbison over the Tannoy.

  6. "The Met bleep test is 5.4 and it's a doddle but people still fail. Rumour has it that that it's going to drop to 3.7 because so many women are failing."

    Who'd really be surprised?

    "...she failed (repeatedly) to even pass at the old female level (and the scuttlebut is that 'physical fitness' was the very least of her failings)."

    Ugh! More proof it's not the job for her, then?

    "How is it the the College of Policing is the body to conduct such an appeal?"

    Very good question!

    "Women can be fit and strong. If they want to do a job that requires that maybe they should hit the gym."

    Precisely! Some effort is required, but there's no evidence she ever put any in, instead relying on whinging about 'discrimination'.

    "Now they will have to buy a range of lighter guns. Maybe pink with mother of pearl detailing."

