Monday 18 September 2023

Twisted Firestarter!

A self-confessed 'pyromaniac' student who set fire to toilets in a college packed with pupils in a bid to get out of an exam after going on dark web chatrooms has avoided jail.
What? How on earth do you not see jail for this..?
Ozlem Firat, 24...


...sparked two blazes at Newcastle College's Parsons Building, by igniting loo paper, shortly before her test was due to start on May 28, 2021.
Firat, who changed her clothes between each target, had been using dark web chatrooms and said during one text chat that she was 'going to set fires to get out of attending an exam' and spoke about 'excitement at watching bodies burning'.
She later confessed to police she was a 'pyromaniac' and had a 'fascination with fire' but initially denied being responsible for the arson attack.

What more do they need? 

Miss Recorder Caroline Sellars said Firat's case was 'troubling' and doctors who have assessed her have described her as 'narcissistic' and 'dangerous'.
The Recorder said: 'Doctors agree you pose a high risk of serious harm to the public.'

So why isn't she behind bars? 

But she added that Firat, who lives with her mother, has stayed out of trouble since, has family support and can be rehabilitated with intensive intervention.

I'm guessing Recorder Sellars is banking on none of her friends or relatives ever finding themselves at the mercy of Firat's fascination with fire... 

H/T: Fragglefred via email

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