Saturday 14 October 2023

When Is Empty Virtue Signalling Not 'Appropriate'..?

Ah. I see. And I can guess we can draw our own conclusions as to why not...

England fans have also been warned that Israeli flags will be ripped off them at the turnstiles as the FA - which has been branded as 'spineless' by Jewish supporter groups - faces questions over its slow response to the terror attacks by Hamas. The Three Lions boss said that he recognised how 'difficult' the FA's decision was, and that while he was not involved in the discussions, he and his squad will get behind the stance which comes with 'good intentions'.

You do know which road you're on, then, Gareth? 

Lord Mann said that the 'FA have let down the Jewish community', adding: 'It's a failure of leadership at the top of football and their arguments to Parliament about a football regulator and not needing one or that the FA should be the regulator are dramatically weakened by it.'

It should scupper any chance they had. But since the government is equally weak and spineless, it probably won't. 


  1. If Israeli flags are going to be "ripped off" the holders of the flags, as opposed to simply being confiscated, will this also apply to holders of Palestinian or Hamas flags? The FA has long been an appeaser of extremists (such as the Burn, Loot, Murder mob) in order for a quiet life. If just one Palestinian flag is shown, then every single member of the FA should use what little honour they have left, and resign.

  2. Maybe they should concentrate on football and stay out of international politics altogether.

  3. "The FA has long been an appeaser of extremists..."

    I think we can now see that the Metropolitan Police and Greater Manchester Police leave them in the dust on that score...

    "Maybe they should concentrate on football and stay out of international politics altogether."

    Well, quite!
