Friday 17 November 2023

How Long Should They Have Closed For, Then?

Police were called and the shop temporarily closed but it reopened the next day - a decision which was heavily criticised by locals as putting 'profit above everything'.

They are a business, after all!  

At the time of his death he wasn't considered 'high risk', so he was waiting for assessment with NHS talking therapies at his request. He had self-referred on March 1 and his appointment for June 3 (three months later) which is within the target wait times for the service.

If you want to criticise anything, maybe this is a better target for your ire. 


  1. Why do people hate profit so much? I assume they would still want all the staff to be paid while the store is closed, because wages aren't profit, right?

  2. It could also be seen as tending to the needs of customers who need to buy food and may not have other alternatives. If you're an OAP or disabled, and/or don't have a car, and thats the only store in walking distance then you'd be rather hacked off if it closed for weeks out of 'respect'.

  3. Am I a bad person for finding it faintly amusing that he offed himself in the staff wellness room, which "was rarely used"?

  4. I don't think that you are a bad person Andrew, there is a sort of grim irony in it. I wonder what these idiots think is a suitable period of mourning should be for a fallen colleague at a big supermarket? Death is an inevitable part of life, a suicide is particularly tragic, but the living have lives to live and need to carry on.

  5. On the basis that if someone dies somewhere it has to be closed for X amount of time afterwards, does that include roads? Hospitals? Nursing homes? People's houses? My late father died at home, perhaps my mother should have moved out for a month or two afterwards.

    I mean 600k people die every year in the UK so if every place of death has to be left unused for weeks afterwards its going to have a bit of an impact on everyday life. 'Sorry that road is closed, someone died in a car crash there, so no-one can use it'. Or 'Your operation is cancelled as someone died in the operating theatre and so we can't use it for 3 weeks...'

  6. "Why do people hate profit so much? "

    It's a true mystery. At least this is one company that appears to value it!

    " If you're an OAP or disabled, and/or don't have a car, and thats the only store in walking distance then you'd be rather hacked off if it closed for weeks out of 'respect'."

    Indeed! Of course, there's always Getir...

    "Am I a bad person for finding it faintly amusing that he offed himself in the staff wellness room, which "was rarely used"?"

    If so, fear not, we're ALL bad here! 😁

  7. "On the basis that if someone dies somewhere it has to be closed for X amount of time afterwards, does that include roads?"

    The police see to that, at least until forensics get their arses (slowly) into gear!
