Tuesday 14 November 2023

I Say This Through Gritted Teeth…

 …but honestly, I cannot disagree with John McDonnell for once! 

I mean, FFS, James Cleverly as Home Sec? A man who is the very antithesis of nominative determinism?

And Cameron?!? 


  1. In one way Sunak's tactics were brilliant: the appointment of Dave dominated the "news". The dismissal of the one cabinet minister determined (although incompetently) to oppose the Moslem takeover of the UK was thus effectively sidelined.

  2. To paraphrase Robert Conquest - "The behavior of the Conservative Party can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies."

  3. Stolen from Bob Kostic (on Twitter):

    The problem with having an Indian in charge is nobody can understand him. He only said he wanted the camera on.

  4. Never trust a man who attends No. 10 wearing a blue suit and red socks.

  5. Not a nautician, but I doubt that there would have been a pilot onboard the Titanic in the mid-Atlantic.

  6. "In one way Sunak's tactics were brilliant: the appointment of Dave dominated the "news". "

    Good point. He's the PR PM, for sure.

    "To paraphrase Robert Conquest - "The behavior of the Conservative Party can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies.""


    "Not a nautician, but I doubt that there would have been a pilot onboard the Titanic in the mid-Atlantic."

    Typical Labour, can't even get that right! 😁
