Wednesday 15 November 2023

Oooh, Yara, How Long Have You Got?

Gosh, it’s a mystery, isn’t it? 


  1. Their problem is that they’ve overdone the Pallywood.

  2. Thankfully Mr Blair made me a racist, and I don't care anymore. They (Hammas) have attacked, beheaded, burned, raped and killed innocent children and women. As such they should be wiped from the face of the earth! I apologise in advance for any offence possibly taken from my next sentence. I am fed up to the back teeth of being required to be tolerant for others who only wish to cause harm and are intolerant, they can just fuck the fuck off and then fuck off some more and keep fucking off until they die!


  3. I do remember accepting some of the pictures of 'dead' or 'injured' Palestinians rather uncritically, until I finally thought 'That looks pretty implausible.' Now I'm much more sceptical.

    As for the Israel/Hamas squabble, we don't rule them. They're free to mismanage their affairs as they see fit. As indeed they do. I therefore selfishly concern myself only with how the conflict will affect me.

    Thus I feel that not a penny of my money should be wasted on the Middle East. And much more important, not a single Palestinian should be allowed to migrate to my country. In this, I of course agree with Israel, Egypt and Jordan; none of whom want any Palestinians either.

    Though no doubt the powers that be are building up to a repetition of the great Syrian dump, when Europe was flooded with Syrian 'refugees.'

  4. "Their problem is that they’ve overdone the Pallywood."

    We can only be thankful Twitter and YouTube didn't exist during the Falklands...

    "Thankfully Mr Blair made me a racist, and I don't care anymore. "

    Ditto. The word has become totally meaningless.

    " In this, I of course agree with Israel, Egypt and Jordan; none of whom want any Palestinians either."

    Egyptians and Jordanians are so lucky. How nice it must be to have a government that learns from mistakes!
