Friday 1 December 2023

Gosh, How Unlucky Can One Man Be..?

A security worker who was cleared of involvement in the £26m 'Burglary of the Century' raid on Tamara Ecclestone's mansion allowed his bank accounts to be used to launder money stolen from a dementia sufferer, a court heard.
Sorin Marcovici, 56, was cleared of the heist at the socialite's 'Billionaires' Row' home in Kensington, London.

More foreign criminal. Don't we have enough of our own home-grown type? 

David Ryan, prosecuting, said:' The loser was duped into handing control of his computer to a third party. 'The money was transferred to two accounts controlled by the defendant.'


Matei Clej, defending Marcovici said: 'He is married and is of previous good character. This was a one-off offence.'
The barrister said Marcovici has been suffering from long Covid.


Passing sentence Judge Alex Gordon said:'Money laundering is an integral part of much criminality.'
But the judge accepted that a long time had passed since the offence, and that he had not committed an offence since.
'This has enabled you to demonstrate that you have not committed any offence between then and now.' He also took Marcovici's health into account.
Marcovici, of Newham, was given a sentence of 16 months suspended for two years.

I note there's no mention of being able to recover the victim's money... 

Marcovici, dubbed 'The Professor', was cleared of conspiracy to burgle by a jury in January 2021 after he denied and knowledge of the plan to carry out high value raids
He told the court: 'Never, I have ever known anything, and if I knew that something happened and felt instinctively something was wrong I would have reported it to the police, because this is my home country.'

That needs to change... 


  1. I didn't seee how long ago the offence was but it was so long that we may as well forget about it while cases from decades ago with he said/she said are still being prosecuted. What a farce.

    And this guy was the professor. What were the others like?

  2. "What a farce.

    And this guy was the professor. What were the others like?"

