Wednesday 3 January 2024

Streaming TV: The Crown (NetFlix)

There's no doubt that streaming TV has been the premier entertainment breakthrough of the...what are we calling that decade? Well, 2010 onwards, anyway. 

And NetFlix was orginally the brand leader here, and this one was the jewel in its, well, you get the drift!

I was a bit sceptical at first, despite the stellar casting, but long before the mid-season episode, I was hooked. I did wonder how they were going to deal with the passage of time, but I shouldn't have worried; each change of cast seems to have been spot on. 

And the stunning opening titles really set the scene.


  1. The first four seasons are, I think, the best. But the closer it gets to modern times, the less engaging I found it. The episode about Churchill's portrait is very good. As is the one on Aberfan. And of course ‘Margaretology.’

  2. "But the closer it gets to modern times, the less engaging I found it. "

    Yes, perhaps because it's closer to what we all remember and lacks the allure of history?

    The performances have all been superb, however, and there's not many long running shows that can boast that.
