Tuesday 30 April 2024

He Can't 'Arf Pick 'Em!

West Lancashire MP Ms Dalton, who entered the Commons in a 2023 by-election, was promoted by Sir Keir Starmer in November to Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities.
But yesterday she was derided for her Twitter postings on trans issues and self-identification. In 2016, she was asked by somebody in one Twitter exchange if a person decided they were a llama, should other people take them seriously. Ms Dalton replied: 'Yes. And treat you with dignity and respect.'

So, no asking them to tote your luggage in that case, then?  

Might as well make yourself useful, Jocasta.... 

Labour sources hit back last night, stressing that her comments dated from before she was an MP and that the party had no plans to introduce self-identification of gender.

Which, given they are saying it before they are in power, means nothing.  


  1. If you don't agree with me identifying as a Llama I'll Alpaca my bags :)

  2. Although I expect Labour would introduce self-identification of gender at the drop of a hat if it guaranteed support for some other Leftish policy.

    To the collectivists' mind the Utopian ends justify the means.

  3. "If you don't agree with me identifying as a Llama I'll Alpaca my bags :)"


    "Although I expect Labour would introduce self-identification of gender at the drop of a hat if it guaranteed support for some other Leftish policy."

    I fear we're going to find out before too long..
