Tuesday 28 May 2024

And If You're An Innocent Bystander With A Pacemaker?

British police could soon be equipped with a ground-breaking device to disable e-bikes being used by criminals to speed away from crimes. The ‘Ghostbusters-style’ weapon would fire electro-magnetic rays to stop the engines of e-scooters and e-bikes being used in crimes.

...or just someone with a moblibe phone when they (inevitably) miss? 

Gavin Stephens, chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), said the device was in development and could be used within months, reported The Guardian newspaper. They would be housed inside a backpack, reminiscent of the Ghostbuster devices used in the popular sci-fi films. Mr Stephens told a media briefing: “Basically, it interferes with the electric motor, to trick the electric motor into thinking it is overheating.
“It sends a signal to confuse the electric motor. All these electric motors apparently have an inbuilt safety system that if it thinks it’s overheating, it shuts down.
“At the minute, it’s like a ginormous backpack.”

Just wait for the compensation claims to roll in... 


  1. Electromagnetic rays? Ooh scary. IOW Radio. Which passes through walls and windows and reaches the horizon. And passing battery cars, aircraft and drones. And all that beeping stuff that hospitals use.
    And they think using a mobile phone in an aeroplane is dangerous.
    Should be interesting for the totally computer controlled Teslas and their ilk.
    At present such gizmos are used in the Ukraine to bring down drones, missiles, jam GPS, etc..

  2. The "Motor" knows didly squat about its temperature - it's just coils of wire and some magnets. The control circuitry, however, WILL know via a sensor embedded in the motor windings. So I call bullshit on Mr Stephens claim.

    Depending on whether the motor being targeted is a conventional brush type, or the newer "Brushless" variety, determines what sort of controller is used, and these could come from many different manufacturers. A "One Size Fits All" disabling weapon will have to be either VERY intelligent or very powerful, which would then be a risk to any electronic device in the proximity...

  3. Personally, sawn off shotguns should be used, and not for the machines.

  4. Where can I buy one? I could be the new vigilante in town.

  5. "Should be interesting for the totally computer controlled Teslas and their ilk."


    "So I call bullshit on Mr Stephens claim."

    It really does sound far too good to be true, doesn't it?

    "Personally, sawn off shotguns should be used, and not for the machines."

    I applaud this!

    "Where can I buy one? I could be the new vigilante in town."

    Like those noise-cancelling gadgets for people who play their music out loud on trains!
