Monday 20 May 2024

But They Leave Out The Most Interesting Thing...

...what was the brand?
Staff at a Royal Mail delivery office tucked into chocolate bars believed to have fallen out of a package but then realised they were laced with drugs.

Who on earth eats stuff that's fallen out of a packet?  

Three members of staff at the Royal Mail’s delivery office in Brighton’s North Road reportedly shared the sweet treats. But minutes later they began to feel the effects of the edibles and experienced panic attacks. Colleagues said they discovered the chocolate was laced with drugs when they saw it written on the packaging.


Ambulances attended the delivery offices and the trio were taken to hospital for treatment.

And psychiatric evaluation?  

Royal Mail said they investigated the incident but that no disciplinary action was taken.



  1. " disciplinary action was taken". How about for theft? Where did these people think they worked, in a Liverpool factory?

  2. This story reminded me of when my cousin had to be rushed to hospital after eating my (and his) grandmother's special chocolate (ex-lax). So, to answer your question, two year olds do this, I didn't realise The Royal Mail employed two year olds.

  3. My uncle worked in Liverpool Docks. The dockers stole anything they could lay their hands on. My uncle stole tools from a Mercedes car, and was indignant because they were metric! (Presumably, the tool set was in the car because Mercedes knew that metric tools would be in short supply in the UK of the 1960s).

  4. Did the Mercedes toolkit include a metric adjustable wrench?

  5. " How about for theft? Where did these people think they worked, in a Liverpool factory?"

    Well, indeed!

    " So, to answer your question, two year olds do this, I didn't realise The Royal Mail employed two year olds."

    Who else is happy to wear shorts in all weathers?

    "My uncle worked in Liverpool Docks. The dockers stole anything they could lay their hands on. "

    Stereotypes - there for good reason!
