Sunday 12 May 2024

Do The 'Mail' Headline Writers Keep A Dog And Bark Themselves?

It would appear so, if they think you hire a chauffeur and then park yourself! 


  1. After freeing us from the EUSSR he can park where he likes (or his driver)

  2. What's much more important, as it's the Mail, is whether 'Renault' Meghan and Ginge have been asked to comment, write the screenplay, produce the documentary, direct the parking wardens, collect the fines, and be interviewed on the BBC, ITV, VAT, SET, etc...

  3. If it was £15k, he got a bargain. Isn't he a bit disabled after a plane crash? What a load of tosh.

  4. A £15k 7-series? A drug-dealer bolide if ever I saw one.

  5. Either he bought a really old used 7 series or the Mail thinks 7 series cost 15k.

  6. "After freeing us from the EUSSR he can park where he likes (or his driver)"

    Well, he laid the groundwork - despite the frothing of the Remainers we aren't quite free yet.

    "... asked to comment, write the screenplay, produce the documentary, direct the parking wardens..."


    "If it was £15k, he got a bargain."

    Yes, one wonders how the 'Mail' arrived at that figure. They are much better at house prices!
