Monday 6 May 2024

Soft Justice For Junior Psychopaths...

Aminal slaughterers:
She said: 'You have had a taste of custody for a couple of days and it really isn't pleasant. 'If you come back into this court things will not be as pleasant as they are now. It's horrific what you've done... absolutely horrific.
'It's well you are not adults because you would have faced a significant time in custody.'
In total, the cost of compensation was £59,000 of which each boy was ordered to pay £200 each, for which their parents will be liable
Attempted murderers:
The defendant, then a 16-year-old boy, was arrested at the scene after the attack just after midnight on June 9 last year.
He was wearing just his boxer shorts and claimed he was sleepwalking when he attacked the two boys and the housemaster.

What we tolerate, we see more of. And tolerate it is what we seem to be intending to do well into the future. So we will probably see more scenes like the one last week in Ammanford. 

The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared in court earlier today after being charged with three counts of attempted murder and possession of a bladed article following the incident at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman (Aman Valley School).
The father of the girl charged now says it took him hours to find out his daughter was allegedly at the centre of the incident, claiming the school and police did not want to speak to him.
He says he found out she was allegedly involved online. He added that he had not been given a police liaison officer and was worried about 'reprisals from the community'.

You're not the victim here, the three people stabbed are the victims!  

District Judge Mark Layton said remanding a 13-year-old into youth justice detention was a 'difficult decision' in a hearing that lasted around 20 minutes.

What on earth was 'difficult' about it?!  

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