Wednesday 1 May 2024

Why The Kid Glove Treatment?

Yesterday, as the horrific events unfolded in Hainault, I spent a fair amount of time on social media, correcting idiots who demanded the police should shoot the attacker dead 'like they would if it was a dog on the rampage' and not worry about taking him alive. 

Not how justice is done here, I informed them, do we really want the police to act like a Third World Police Force or something out of a dystopian movie? Let justice be done properly, I said.

Boy, do I feel like an idiot now! 
He has since been arrested on suspicion of murder, although police are yet to question the suspect as he remains in hospital being treated for injuries sustained in the van crash.

Yes, you read that right. A man who rampaged around the streets attacking and murdering random people, jumping over fences and climbing on top of garages for 20 minutes after crashing the van, is apparently too frail to be questioned. 

'He was running around, still after the police officers came, with the sword in his hand.'

You couldn't make it up, could you? 


  1. I think I would have to agree with the idiots who wanted this guy shot dead at the scene. Sometimes tasers are appropriate, but I don't think this was one of those times

  2. The Meissen Bison1 May 2024 at 09:44

    the police should shoot the attacker dead 'like they would if it was a dog on the rampage'

    That comparison doesn't really hold true nowadays.

  3. This looks like a legal nicety to protect the case and it's evidence - do you really want any opportunity for clever lawyers to get the 'suspect' off on a technicality because l don't.
    From the information available police contained suspect very quickly, at considerable risk to themselves (2 hospitalised with serious injuries), and are now doing everything possible to ensure the rules are followed to the letter.
    Personally, on this occasion, l'm inclined to praise the police for their actions - especially those who were in the front line.

  4. I imagine he got injured during the arrest or he is having mental health assessments.
    Still waiting to see his name and religion . Could be interesting

  5. Still armed, won't drop weapon on demand? FAFO.

  6. Looks to me like legal niceties being followed to minimise the chance of acquital due to infringing a technicality. In reality the 'suspect' will be under (very) close guard so cops are taking the time to get everything right.
    On this occasion l take my hat off to the police, especially front line staff who appear to have quickly contained this character at considerable risk to themselves (2 in hospital with serious injuries) and are now making sure they cover all of their bases.

  7. A man who rampaged around the streets attacking and murdering random people, jumping over fences and climbing on top of garages for 20 minutes after crashing the van, is apparently too frail to be questioned.

    I'm guessing drugs there.

  8. "Sometimes tasers are appropriate, but I don't think this was one of those times"

    It seems they were first on the scene, beating properly armed firearms officers to the punch.

    "That comparison doesn't really hold true nowadays."

    No, indeed! Good point.

    "This looks like a legal nicety to protect the case and it's evidence - do you really want any opportunity for clever lawyers to get the 'suspect' off on a technicality because l don't."

    I'm not sure I have much faith left in any part of the justice system so 'clever lawyers' aren't the threat they once were.

    "Still waiting to see his name and religion . Could be interesting"

    Now we know - a Brazilian Spaniard. Unlikely to be Muslim, I'd have thought?

    "Still armed, won't drop weapon on demand? FAFO."


    "On this occasion l take my hat off to the police, especially front line staff who appear to have quickly contained this character at considerable risk to themselves "

    And we see once again the call for OK police to be routinely armed, at least with Taser as a result.

    "I'm guessing drugs there."

    Could be, but my money's on mental health again.
