Monday 10 June 2024

Finally, They Are Learning!

Well, some of them, anyway.

A judge has asked for more information about a women's claims she had three heart attacks and cared for a blind husband - saying he does not believe 'a word' she says.
Unfortunatly, the story is behind a paywall, but we know the name's 'Horvathova' which is a Romani name, so the judge's unexpected scepticism is perhaps well founded. 

It could be this story, which despite being in the same paper, isn't behind a paywall:
Regina Horvathova, 48, was brought before Bolton Crown Court after spending money with a bank card that did not belong to her and handling stolen goods including a Mercedes.
But she could not be sentenced for her crimes because her failure to work with probation meant there was no report on her ready for the court.
Judge Eliot Knopf said: “I see what’s been said and I give her one last chance to comply with the process and if she doesn’t she will face the consequences for that.

The 'consequences' being what?  


  1. Why can't the Probation Service visit her in jail to carry out their assessment? If she refuses to co-operate, leave her inside until she does. Simple.

  2. "If she refuses to co-operate, leave her inside until she does. Simple."

    An elegant solution!
