Thursday 27 June 2024

How Can Someone With This History Be Allowed To Walk The Streets?

Much less get employment as a security guard?
Gavin Plumb has a history of trying to kidnap or falsely imprison women which resulted in several convictions, the court was told yesterday.

But clearly, little if any jail time. 

On August 14, 2006, the man accused of plotting to kidnap and murder Holly Willoughby approached a woman on a train, sat opposite her and showed her a note. It said: 'I have got a gun. All you have to do is keep quiet. Do what I say. 'So just stand up and get off at the next stop with me. Don't cry or make a sound. Don't stop me from touching you because I won't hurt you.
'If you do all this, no one will get hurt but if you don't I am going to shoot you and myself and everyone else.'
The 'terrified' victim began to cry and other passengers came over, leading to Plumb tearing up the note and fleeing at the next stop.

And a few days later, he did it again. The only attack he actually appears to have served any time behind bars for is in 2008. 

Referring to the latest allegations, Ms Morgan added: 'You will consider all of that against the background that, as he boasted to others online, he had done it before.
'He had sought to kidnap and to imprison other real women. Using a real weapon and real methods of restraint – terrifying real women.'

I suppose at least we can content ourselves with the fact the court system seems to believe in 'real women'. 

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