Tuesday 4 June 2024

Not Something I Need To Worry About...

...this incident has also made me think about what kind of anger is permissible for Black women, especially in spaces where the idea of “decorum” can be so easily weaponized against them.
...so maybe it's time they looked up the term 'decorum' and perhaps showed some?
Rowland is a dark-skinned Black woman in a world that is as obsessed with maintaining proximity to whiteness as it is invested in demonizing Black women who speak up for themselves, so there’s no doubt she’s endured anti-Blackness and faced countless situations where she had to stay her anger and hold her tongue so she didn’t appear aggressive.

I have to say, if social media has shown us anything, it's that there's a lot of black women out there who have never heard that they shouldn't appear aggressive.  

And while we may never know exactly what was said that caused her to ultimately lose her cool, it really doesn’t matter.

Of course it doesn't, when one has an agenda to push regardless of facts. 

The expectation that Black women be gracious and deferential in the face of flagrant hostility is one of the most dehumanizing aspects of Black public life...

When 'flagrent hostility' is just being told to do what everyone else does? Just a day ort so after this, another woman had the same treatment, but you won't hear that from Rowland, because she was white. 

To be a Black woman, especially one who doesn’t fit stereotypical western ideals of womanhood, is to endure a never-ending series of indignities simply for trying to exist.

Then why not try a country that isn't a stereotypical Western country?  

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