Sunday 18 May 2008

Ooopsie! Part 3

Oh, dear. This sort of thing never happens on CSI:
A piece of bone that sparked a massive police search at a former Haut de la Garenne children's home now appears to be a shard of wood or coconut shell.
Still, they aren't letting it get them down:
Police in Jersey say the latest twist does not affect their investigation.

The wider search across the complex has led police to what they believe are bone fragments and children's milk teeth buried beneath the old foundations of the building, although forensic testing is still underway to confirm whether or not the 20 pieces of bone are human or animal.
Or pottery....

Maybe the Jersey police should approach these guys for some assistance...?


  1. The police first began to suspect that it the 'skull fragment' might belong to a coconut when they ran it through the forensic lab's facial reconstruction computer to discover the identity of the victim.

  2. Some good articles on the Jersey scandal here

  3. Thanks for that link - I note he has just set up a blog too.

    I'll be keeping my eye on this, could well turn out to be another Orkney Child Abuse fiasco...
