Saturday 3 May 2008

Spot the Turd in the Punchbowl...

Everyone else managed to say something gracious, even Tessa Jowell. Not the General Secretary of 'Unison', throwing his toys out of the pram in spectacular fashion:

"The election of Boris Johnson as mayor is a bad day for London, for Londoners and for the capital's public services. In time, Londoners will regret electing this Conservative as their champion. We are particularly worried about the effect that the election of a BNP assembly member will have on race relations and community harmony."

See what he did there...?


  1. I wasn't the only one who liked what Jowell said!

    It is nauseating to see people suggest that the Tories are somehow the same as the BNP. In fact the election of the BNP bloke will make no odds because the Assembly have such little influence. The only real effect will be to boost the BNP's coffers to the tune of £50k. I can't imagine Mr Barnbrook's new job will get him any more "coverage" than he got before.

  2. The 'Times' seems to think the main effect wil be to highlight 'divisions' (i.e. allow leftie students to shout and smash things):

    "There was a glimpse of the divisions to come in scenes last night at City Hall as BNP supporters and protesters confronted each other in the aftermath of the result announcement."

    I don't know. The election event at City Hall was a bit of a one-off, and I doubt the usual suspects are organised and enthusiastic enough to make any real trouble in the months to come.

    It is summer soon, after all, and all those cheap beers on the Costa del Sol won't drink themselves....

  3. Julia, greetings! Delighted to see you have opened your own blog and, of course, as soon as I remember how all that linking-thingy works (I am a mere man after all!) I shall do it.

  4. Welcome, David!
