Wednesday 7 May 2008

Top Quality Political Advice, Love..!

Over at the ‘Times’, Alice Miles seems to be under the delusion that Gordon Brown is PM of Burma . She also shows just how out of touch many of the MSM columnists are, and how little they've managed to learn since last week:

So a progressive, green policy joins the rest of the rubbish being chucked out of No 10. No wonder environment ministers are fighting back, and insisting that the moves towards bin taxes are progressing nicely, thank you: pilots on course and all that.
Of course! Just because the voters are protesting, that’s no reason to think again. Who the hell do they think they are, expecting ministers to listen to their complaints..?

We don't want to hear about plastic bag taxes or the latest crime initiative from the Prime Minister. His Cabinet can deal with all that. He cannot anyway speak to all the diverse local priorities of a nation that last week voted out a councillor in Manchester because he supported a congestion charge, and a council leader in Barrow-in-Furness because he supported an academy.
Except, of course, we do want to hear about these things. Disasters in Burma and ‘international development’ are not big issues at home, especially while we begin to enter a period of economic slowdown.

He should stop striking poses on issues such as 42 days, and offer more clearly his compelling vision about equal opportunity. Let his policies speak for themselves. He may be out of office in two years' time, but what a glorious two years he could have until then. He might as well do it. I don't think his core beliefs and priorities are all that out of tune with the British people's anyway.
Well, it certainly looks as if yours are, dear...

“That’s it, Captain Brown! Full speed ahead. Pay no attention to the big white icy things in front of your Titanic or the cries of alarm from the passengers…”

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