Friday 9 May 2008

Ya Think…?!!

Mr Justice Collins said he was aware he might cause controversy, and that he was conscious the council might criticise his decision to delay judgement.
So, the traveller’s illegal occupation continues and the taxpayers of Billericay and Wickford have to pay for yet another delay in this interminable saga.
They have an uphill struggle too, as the local paper reports, on a call for more sites to be built for when they are finally evicted:
Locals fear the travellers' representation will be given more weight than their own, after learning travellers held a meeting with the Government Office of the East of England, which was not open to settled residents.
There’s precious little chance of Home Secretary Jacqui Smith’s call
for those who ‘persistently misbehave and intimidate others in their communities’ to be ‘harassed themselves’, if another government department is continually siding with those who flout the law.

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