Sunday 15 June 2008

Don't We Have A Law Against 'Aiding And Abetting'...?

Leftie bloggers are wetting their knickers in delight over this report in the 'Guardian':
All across the country, communities are organising themselves to stop their friends and neighbours from being deported. From lobbying the Home Office to foiling dawn raids, the resistance will stop at nothing to keep failed asylum seekers safe in Britain.
'The resistance'...?
...Assist also has a list of families and individuals who will let failed asylum seekers sleep in their spare rooms.
It comes as no surprise that the Guardianistas have found some civil disobediance they like, though it contrasts a little with their attitude to fuel protestors.

Says one woman with too much time on her hands:
"I think we've made it very hard for the Home Office to remove families that are settled. And every MP up and down the country will know that, because they will have been lobbied in the way we've lobbied ours. There must have been pressure to sort this out in a humane way, but to keep it quiet because if the Daily Mail finds out about this, it will be unpopular."
Think the 'Guardian' has just given the 'Mail' a heads up with this report, love...

Last word goes to the Scottish battleaxe who started off the report: Donnachie sets up for the weekly women's group she runs on the Kingsway, she, too, says the benefits are all hers. "We've so many people from so many different cultures and places here now," she says. "We're the ones who are gaining - wonderful people, wonderful families with children who want to do things for this country. Britain's going to be a better place for them, not a worse place, so I just don't know what the problem is."
Yup, Britain needs more people who ignore its law, I'm sure...


  1. The solution is pretty simple really: asylum cases need to be evaluated promptly, and those who are denied must be immediately deported. Change the laws if and however necessary to make this happen. As long as people are kept in limbo for a long time -- even years, as they are now -- they will become something of a fixture, and such opposition to deportation, which I agree is principled, will be there.

    Of course nowadays asylum has become a scam used in many cases by economic migrants and other discontents, many of whom are coached in what to say etc. So the numbers have grown, which means it takes longer to evaluate individual applications etc -- a kind of vicious circle.

    But I doubt there is the political will to do any of that.

    Ultimately the UK should get out of any treaty that requires it to accept and process asylum seekers. That won't happen either.

    Or applicants must apply at the embassy in their country of origin. Anyway, something must be done to stop the 'cherry picking' asylum seekers you get now -- people who obviously have a particular destination in mind.

    On a recent trip to Oslo I noticed that a good portion of the eastern and southern part of the city now had a significant 'non-Norwegian' population. Of course they have brought with them all the usual problems -- e.g. here and here.

    So it appears that no corner of Europe is safe from this. Sad.

  2. "another woman with too much time on her hands"

    "ring any bells Julia ?

    Things readers should recognise about this blog

    1. Writer believes in the idea of English residents taking personal responsibility for themselvs

    2. Writer takes little, if any, responsibility themself, however, sitting in the back row of the Colosseum hurling insults and abuse at the combatants without (semingly) having a pot to piss in.

    3. Writer thinks they are important enough to praise or denegrate people by turn and expects the rest of us to fall at their feet in docile compliance

    4 Writer produces "work" redolant of the views espoused by little Englanders

    5 Writer resorts to insults and innuendo when they run out of patience

    6 Writer thinks they are on the cutting edge of political debate. Gosh !

    7 Writer thinks they have emotional intelligence (how we laughed)

    8 Writer gets increasingly irritated by (I'm sorry) a "total twat" ?

    9 Writer has bad Karma

    10 Writer might like to think about taking growing-up lessons

    The writer does not have one solid idea in their head. date, all they have ever done is complain and say "should" and should-not" a lot.

    No wonder England has such poor political debate.


  3. "The solution is pretty simple really: asylum cases need to be evaluated promptly, and those who are denied must be immediately deported."

    Yup, that would prevent many of the current problems, including the thrats of violence from detainees that we have seen recently.

    "..I doubt there is the political will to do any of that."

    Yes, but I think that is likely to change as the problems become more and more acute.

    "Writer has bad Karma"

    Oh noes!!

    Good morning, Total Twat. My, your comments are getting longer. Not better, or more coherent just longer...

    "Writer might like to think about taking growing-up lessons."

    From whom...?

  4. Writer takes little, if any, responsibility themself, however, sitting in the back row of the Colosseum hurling insults and abuse at the combatants


    No offence meant, but could you clarify for me in what way your posts fall outside that definition?

  5. Sauce for the goose. Those that live by the sword etc.

    Look out soon for the 10 top reasons behind this blog.

    Just a taster

    Reason one

    Writer thinks its clever and gets off on shooting fish in a barrel.


  6. Yes TT, some of the targets Julia chooses are a little easy. But, as you say, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. So if the fish choose to swim into a barrel then they can expect to be shot.

    At least she is actually looking for fish and hits the odd one or two from time to time. Reason 1 also seems to apply to your posts, except that you seem to miss the fish...

    And can I look forward to seeing the constructive opinions that will be expressed in your own bog sometime?

  7. "can I look forward to seeing the constructive opinions that will be expressed in your own bog sometime?"

    That's a bit much to expect from someone who hadn't figured out how to leave a name (even a fake one) in the comment box...

  8. I see that TT is a mind reader, too. Are there no limits to the intellectual capabilities of this individual?

    "Writer might like to think about taking growing-up lessons"

    Hell, Mr Kettle, may I introduce Mr Pot?

    "Writer gets increasingly irritated by (I'm sorry) a "total twat" ?"

    Oh, I don't know, I'm rather surprised that she has put up with your inane trolling for so long. I'd have zapped you into cyberspace long since.

  9. "I'm rather surprised that she has put up with your inane trolling for so long. I'd have zapped you into cyberspace long since."

    Ahhh, but he's so endearingly inept at trolling, it'd be like kicking a puppy... :)
