Tuesday 17 June 2008

"It's So Unfair!"

Mr Jamieson said: 'I was beaten repeatedly on my back and the back of my head. My back was turned and I was hit three or four times.

"We did not think that the moment a few sticks came over the police would pull out solid aluminium rods.

'They are blood hungry - it was absolutely unprovoked.'
Throw things at the police and try to breach barriers and they'll defend themselves. And they have better weaponry and training than your average Swuppie.

Who knew...?! :)


  1. In my experience and through time, all significant change (for good and sometimes bad) is promoted by street conflict and direct action by ordinary people.

    Just watch what happens when the gas stops and Gordon can't keep bread on the shelves anymore.

    There will not be enough police or army to protect you (or me) and there will be no television or internet for you to tell everyone how groovy you are and continue to avoid getting involved yourself.

    Making bullets for others to fire is a hateful and cowardly occupation. Writing blogs about a silly and half thought-out protest by a minor political group is hardly cutting it at street level Julia.


  2. "...all significant change (for good and sometimes bad) is promoted by street conflict and direct action by ordinary people."

    Well, if your definition of 'ordinary people' is the Trots, twats and troublemakers in the SWP and other asorted Rentagroups, then I think your experience is lacking something...

    But feel free to tell me exactly what they achieved by their petulant little display. Other than some exercise for the police riot squads, that is...

    "Just watch what happens when the gas stops and Gordon can't keep bread on the shelves anymore.

    There will not be enough police or army to protect you (or me)..."

    Hey, that's a great potential script for the Beeb!

    Don't waste time making yourself out to be a Total Twat on blog comments! Put on a suit, brush your hair, have a wash and go sell that puppy..!

    They can do great things with CGI these days. It'll be better than the one about London Flooding...

    "...hardly cutting it at street level Julia."

    You are Wolfie Smith and I claim my £10!

  3. Hey

    Something you've now got going on here is that other posters have started calling me total twat.

    You've developed a little fan club.

    One of them appears to wear Gothic Leather Trousers (with laces in) and poses on a very big motor cycle. Sort of Mad Max-ish without the angst. But lovely hair mind.

    Bless !

    He says politicians read his blog.

    Goodness, that is powerful stuff!

    A bit of success for you though and grist for the mill huh ?

    So, well done. Something to feed that (ever growing) sense of self-satisfaction.

    Life changing, probably not though


  4. "Something you've now got going on here is that other posters have started calling me total twat."

    Yeah, that'll happen when you behave like....

    Well, even you can probably guess.

  5. And I'm sure that this "protester" was equally critical of the police when similar treatment was meted out to the Pro-hunting lobby a couple of years ago.

  6. "I'm sure that this "protester" was equally critical of the police when similar treatment was meted out to the Pro-hunting lobby a couple of years ago."

    Yeah. Me too.... ;)

  7. He says politicians read his blog.

    Well, if they do, I'm sure it's very nice, but it's news to me.

  8. I am all for protest and campaign and I hate what the Labour government has done to curtail freedom of assembly and expression. But sorry I can't see how attacking coppers makes any kind of sense?

    In this country (thanks be to God) the police are NOT an arm of the state (despite NL's best efforts) and are actually here to keep people safe to the best of their abilities. Why do people think it's productive to attack them?

  9. "Why do people think it's productive to attack them?"

    Swuppies? They don't, they just think it's a good day out... ;)
