Wednesday 18 June 2008

Poverty Causes Crime....

Or then again, maybe not:
Southampton players Nathan Dyer, 20, and Bradley Wright-Phillips, 23, were charged following an incident at the Bar Bluu club in Southsea, Hants, on Feb 28.

Police were alerted after the pair were allegedly captured on CCTV entering an unlocked staff room at the club with a group of friends during the early hours of the morning.

Staff later claimed that three mobile phones, £145 in cash, student cards and cigarettes had been stolen from three handbags.
Poor lambs! They must have been starving to do what they did, or under peer pressure to have the right trainers (a desire stoked by those evil capitalists, of course...):
Striker Wright-Phillips, who lives in Southampton, earns about £8,000 a week.

Winger Dyer, who also lives in the city, earns about £5,000 a week. Each player was fined two weeks wages.

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