Thursday 12 June 2008

Update to 'Modern UK'

The man attacked by vicious thug Tony Virasami in Sainsbury yesterday has now died.

And according to the 'Mail', Virasami was on bail for another offence and was wearing a tag when he launched the unprovoked attack on 57 year old Kevin Tripp, mistaking him for a teenager that had insulted his girlfriend:
Witnesses said the assault was sparked by an earlier row involving an 18-year-old in the supermarket's car park in Merton High Street.

The teenager had apparently insulted the assailant's wife moments earlier.

His wife then spotted the youth arguing with a member of staff at the customer services counter and alerted her husband.

But as the angry husband approached, he apparently mistakenly picked on Mr Tripp who was waiting in the queue behind the lout, knocking him to the ground.
There's at least one consolation:
Scotland Yard said the death would now be treated as a murder investigation.
Let's hope so. And let's hope the punishment truly fits the crime, for once.

But let's hope some unwelcome attention also focuses on the justice system in this country, which ought to be overhauled in the face of this latest failure to keep the scum behind bars where they belong.


  1. Nothing much will happen to the assailant: he has the ready made excuse of mistaken identity. How a 57 year old man can be mistaken for a teenager is something that, I suspect, won't be dwelt on since, according to the Mail, "the victim was described as white and the attacker black".

  2. Yep, expect him to cop a plea for manslaughter and be out in four years - if that.

  3. I suspect you are both right. And I'm beginning to see why our emigration levels are so high.

    Is this country saveable..?

  4. You ask: Is this country saveable..?

    Well, saving somebody threatened by a menace coming from the outside has a better chance of success than saving the self-destructive individual from himself. The same applies to the nation: we are hell bent on self destruction.

    I suppose you could say that we need a "saviour" who can rescue the country...........

    But that supposition will be construed as incipient fascism or religious mania.

  5. Can anybody explain to me why attacks on blacks by whites are racist, but attacks by blacks on whites are not.
    AND - why we are not allowed to draw any attention to the predominance of a particular skin colour in crimes of violence.
    AND - why villains on bail with a known history of violence are free to walk the streets to reoffend at will.

  6. How absurdly evil - to kill somebody for the most trivial reason that he was rude to one's wife. It's almost immaterial that it may not have been QUITE what he intended, or not EXACTLY the right bloke. It is, like its perpetrator and his accomplice, stupid and evil.

    Why should these people continue to live amonst us.

  7. Why isn't anyone asking why the assailant's wife is walking free? Surely she orchestrated the attack and is as guilty as he is?

    My heart goes our to Mr Tripps next of kin. Such a waste

  8. Why dont the government concentrate on putting violent criminals behind bars where they belong instead of trying to imprison possibly innocent people for 42 days?

  9. Legalise drugs, cut the prison population drastically. Tax them and fund the NHS with it and especially drug treatment and mental health (less violence etc). Can someone say the magic words to make these bad things happen to MPs' families instead (if it has to happen to anyone) so that they're forced to pull their heads out of the sand, come down from their ivory towers and just do the right thing for once?
    If there's more space in the prisons, more suitable people can take it, and for longer sentences. This man and his girlfriend certainly qualify. Can they not force stupid people to use condoms so they don't produce idiot offspring like these two?

  10. Well Mr Tripp is my sisters boyfriends uncle and all he was doing was getting some last minute goods to take home and then we find out he is dead this guy should rot in hell for what he has done thats enough said, Just like to say thanks for all the surpport.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. "The same applies to the nation: we are hell bent on self destruction."

    It does seem that way sometimes...

    "Can someone say the magic words to make these bad things happen to MPs' families instead (if it has to happen to anyone) so that they're forced to pull their heads out of the sand, come down from their ivory towers and just do the right thing for once?"

    This is the problem - the people who advocate soft sentences are never the people affected by the results...

    "Just like to say thanks for all the surpport."

    You're very welcome, and you have my sympathies. I think when the trial opens there'll be a lot of contrasts between the worthwhile, selfless life of Mr Tripp and the lifestyle of the worthless scum that killed him.

    Small comfort though it may be at this time...
