Wednesday 30 July 2008

A Challenger Emerges!

David Miliband is urging the Labour Party to radically change amid growing signs that he is positioning himself to take over from Gordon Brown as Prime Minister.
Oh, this summer promises to be fun… :)


  1. His article in the Guardian was full of waffly rubbish about how Labour needs to offer more change.

    I would have thought the most sensible change would be to get rid of Labour.

  2. "His article in the Guardian was full of waffly rubbish about how Labour needs to offer more change."

    'Change', eh...? And 'hope' too, perhaps..? Wonder where he got that from.... ;)

    "I would have thought the most sensible change would be to get rid of Labour."

    Yes, possibly. But I'm yet to be convinced that Call Me Dave is that much better.

  3. Great - Mr Bean as PM. Just what we need.

  4. I think he'll make a great ex-Prime Minister.

  5. >> Great - Mr Bean as PM. Just
    >> what we need.

    You'd rather stick with Baldrick, then?
