Tuesday 1 July 2008

Dhimmis Of The Day

Step forward Tayside Police, who sent out postcards advertising their new number, featuring their latest mascot - trainee police dog Rebel, a cute black Alsatian puppy, sitting in a policeman's helmet:
A spokesman for Tayside Police said: 'Trainee police dog Rebel has proved extremely popular with children and adults since being introduced to the public, aged six weeks old, as Tayside Police's newest canine recruit.

'His incredible world-wide popularity - he has attracted record visitor numbers to our website - led us to believe Rebel could play a starring role in the promotion of our non-emergency number."
Sadly, that's no longer true, because some people saw fit to complain about this:
Tayside Police's new non-emergency phone number has prompted complaints from members of the Islamic community.

The choice of image on the Tayside Police cards - a black dog sitting in a police officer's hat - has now been raised with Chief Constable John Vine.
Instead of telling them to lump it, Tayside Police showed all the backbone you'd expect from today's modern police force service:
'We did not seek advice from the force's diversity adviser prior to publishing and distributing the postcards. That was an oversight and we apologise for any offence caused.'
Yes, folks, in the UK today, police must consult the diversity adviser before issuing postcards with their new number in case it features a dog. Or anything else some aggrieved arseholes decide they don't like and are offended by.

Where did we go wrong...?


  1. I find their apology insulting. I shall complain.

  2. Perhaps that's the best plan of action - after all, these vocal minorities get away with it because of the British 'live and let live' attitude.

    I think I'll do the same. Probably just get an automated email reply, but still....

  3. The police would probably regard complaining about this as a 'hate crime'

  4. I would certainly be entered onto the thoughtcrime database. In fact I already have been just for considering it. Whoops.

  5. We went wrong in 1925, 1931, 1951, 1970 and 1979. I thuoght everyone knew that ?.

    I think your loyal readership deserve something better than this (badly) easy target to rant about.

    And goodness, one of your respondants is almost admitting to a knowledge of socialist literature.

    Things are slipping in the world of blue sky thinking


  6. Awwww, Total Twat, there you are - I was beginning to worry about you...


    Not really...

  7. More like dhimwits...

    I do wonder how these Muslims can stand to go outdoors where they might (horror of horrors!) encounter a black dog. Perhaps, if they hate God's creations so much ("hate, unclean, kill!") they would be better off leaving this country en masse and going somewhere more to their liking.

    We certainly should not diminish (dhiminish?) our society just because they don't know God and are, in practice, doing the Devil's work (as anyone who does know God would immediately realise).
