Friday 18 July 2008

The Difference Between Old Media And New Media

Take a look at this report of a two-car crash in Hayes:
A MOTORIST was taken to hospital after two cars crashed in Hayes last night (July 16).

The accident happened in Westmoreland Road at the junction with Pickhurst Lane when a blue Nissan Primera and a silver Subaru Impreza were in collision at 7.15pm.
An ambulance was called to take a 31-year-old man who was travelling in the silver car to the Princess Royal University Hospital, Farnborough.

He was discharged shortly afterwards and then arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving.

The suspect is in custody at Bromley police station
So far, so uninteresting. Just another traffic accident. Most people, reading this bland statement in a dead-tree edition, would yawn and turn the page.

But the ‘Newsshopper’ site allows readers to comment. And what they have to say about the incident is a little more revealing...
Posted by: lee beardall, hates on 11:42am Thu 17 Jul 08No mention of the fact the man was climbed out of the car window and tried to leave the scene of the accident. He was then overpowered by members of the public until the police arrived at the scene, large quantitys of cash on his person and in the car.”

Posted by: William, London on 3:52pm Thu 17 Jul 08
Funny thing is, there was a very similar incident at New Eltham early yesterday evening as well, it also involved a burglar driving like a loon, a road rageee who gave the burglar a good tonking but got arrested himself for criminal damage and assault!”

Posted by: frank, Westmorland on 11:13pm Thu 17 Jul 08I was there at the scene of the incident, the man who was in the silver car drove through a set of red light, futhermore hit the nissan, and then hit a local man walking by, the driver of the silver car then tryed to escape on foot, however the man who was hit by the car called for help,a young man who was only metres away from the incident, took action immediately, he caught up with the man fleeing the scene and immediately restrained him. The man was found to of have thousands of pound hidden within his coat.
very brave actions taken by both of the two men, who helped prevent the driver of the silver car escaping.”

Posted by: paul on 11:40pm Thu 17 Jul 08what frank just said is all right, the boy who ran after the man and stopped him was my mate. he broke his hand while stopping him and has a bite mark on his arm.”


  1. JuliaM

    I don't have a blog so PLEASE could you publicise this astonishing piece of newspeak?


    Inspector Simon Ellingham said officers were examining CCTV footage from the area.

    He said: “We have heard from several retailers in the area who were horrified at the level of violence used by the crowd against the officers.

    WHILST WE WOULD NEVER USE THE WORD 'MOB' WHICH IS AN INFLAMMATORY WORD (my caps) we can confirm that eye witnesses have described their initial fear that officers were going to be seriously injured or killed.”


    I tried to comment on the piece in the Times to no avail. I think a senior police officer refusing to use the word 'mob' - in fact RULING OUT ITS USE - is utterly beyond parody, and that this fool and the "thinking" which underpins such nonsense deserves to be pilloried as widely as possible.

    Please circulate to other blogs if you can. I will try Laban and FulhamReactionary.

  2. Ah, yes! I've been monitoring this little bit of news since it popped up as a 'newsflash' on the BBC website. I thought there was something they weren't saying.

    Didn't take long to find out. God, I love the new media!

  3. Incredibly, the Times piece has been updated to provide a certain detail. This has ocurred since it declined to accept my post around 15 minutes ago.

    BBC of course, is in MONDEO mode(Men Of No Discernible Ethnic Origin).

  4. 'Insp. Plod issued a statement saying that the police took a very serious view of the agressive actions of the young man who intervened and who may be charged with assault on the driver of the car who was badly shaken up by the accident. "We will not tolerate this sort of violent vigilante action taken against an injured man", he said, adding, "The man with the cash in his overcoat has told us he was simply on his way back from the DHSS having collected his Job-seekers Allowance." Evenin' all!
