Sunday 6 July 2008

I Have A Good Use For Plastic Bags...

....we should stick one over the head of Ben Stafford, from the Campaign to Protect Rural England:
Marks & Spencer has been accused of "misleading" the public over its campaign to cut plastic bag use in its stores.


But a survey of stores by The Sunday Telegraph found staff often encouraged customers to avoid charges by offering them several smaller bags, which are still free. In some cases, the charges were just being waived.

Ben Stafford, of the Campaign to Protect Rural England, said: "If a policy like that is to work, you can't have loop-holes. You should be targeting them all, not putting a 5p charge on some and an exemption on the rest."
Well, you see Ben, M&S is a retail store, and depends on its customers. It's also losing money at the moment, and would like to keep those customers if it can. Not p*****g them off by refusing bags for their purchases is a really good way of doing that.

Or they could just jack in the retail business and start soaking the taxpayer and begging for charity money instead, like the Campaign to Protect Rural England...


  1. Agreed. The CPRE are evil. M&S are saints in comparison. And they do nicer cardigans and socks.

  2. And great sandwiches!

  3. Oh, the CPRE have their good side. I know: I have worked with them on several matters, and between us (and other outfits and individuals) have achieved some genuinely good things.

    I could list them all here, in considerable detail, if you want :-)
