Wednesday 2 July 2008

Say What…?

The Metropolitan Police Commissioner has vowed to step up police efforts in combating knife crime in the wake of the death of 16-year-old Ben Kinsella.
I know he never passes up an opportunity to get his face on the news, but what the hell is that supposed to mean? ‘Step up’ police efforts…? What were they doing before….?
Speaking at City Hall, Sir Ian Blair said the community needed to reach out to teenagers and their parents.

Sir Ian expressed his "deep sadness" at the death of the teenager and said the death would see police "rededicate efforts to stop others dying".

He re-emphasised his support for the London Mayor Boris Johnson's overall approach, but said some factors went beyond policing.

Sir Ian said: "We need as the whole community of London to reach out to young people and their parents to get rid of the knives on our streets and provide them with alternatives to crime and gang membership."
He didn’t specify just how the ‘whole community’ was supposed to do this, nor what kind of ‘alternatives’ he had in mind.

In fact, he sounded remarkably like a middle manager at a bank, preparing his staff for a painful round of staffing cutbacks or an overly complicated new processing system, and determined to pre-emptively spread a little bit of blame in the event it all goes tits up. Funny, that….


  1. Isn't the problem that we have so many communities living so near to each other but in complete isolation?

  2. Not entirely sure - it could be that we have bred feral youths of all colours and creeds whose first impulse on being 'dissed' or checked in any way is to pick up a knife or a gun.

    Probably because when they were younger, and their first impulse was to use their fists, no one gave a damn, or excused them on the basis of 'their upbringing and poverty'.

  3. "Not entirely sure" is one of the more honest thing you've ever said.

    Boris, interestingly, says we should "walk on by"

    Isn't he one of your lot ?

    Funny man... a person who really would know, told me once your champion in London has a personal hygiene problem.

    That'll be the public school education probably.

    What are your proposals to deal with this issue ?


  4. "Boris, interestingly, says we should "walk on by"

    Isn't he one of your lot ?"

    One of 'my lot', Total Twat? What exactly do you think is 'my lot'? I might have voted for him, but I don't consider myself a natural voter of any one political party.

    Unless you were just seeing the word 'toff' in big flashing letters in front of your eyes again. I'm sure an opthalmologist could help with that. Or a psychiatrist...

    "What are your proposals to deal with this issue ?"

    What issue, lack of personal hygiene'? Have a wash, TT, it's the best way...

  5. Let me say this really really simply. What are your proposals to deal with knife crime ?


  6. "What are your proposals to deal with knife crime ?


    The police and magistrates doing the job we pay them for, unhindered by political correctness and paperwork, would be a start.

    The immediate return of the 'Englishman's home is his castle' approach, with no penalties for defending your own personal space against intruders and thieves, will help to cement the idea that transgressors should feel fear, not innocent homeowners or shopkeepers.

    In order not to perpetuate the breeding of even more feral youths, the reintroduction of discipline in schools and an end to the welfare state being used as a support for people who fail to exercise self control.

    I think a cap on immigration and asylum seekers (and far better screening of those we do let in) will help in the long run.

    In short, the dismantling of the left liberal infiltrated infrastructure of the state.

  7. At last. The basis of a plan. Thank you.

    A few more questions please

    Who gets to define and say what "political correctness" is ?

    Who gets to say who is (and who is not exercising the correct degree of self-c?ontrol ?

    Who gets to say who can (and who cannot)exercise discipline in schools

    Who gets to say who can, and who cannot, live in England ?

    When you come back to me, I'll be interested to ask you other things too, if you are prepared to say

    Thank you for your attention


  8. "Who gets to define and say what "political correctness" is ?

    Who gets to say who is (and who is not exercising the correct degree of self-c?ontrol ?

    Who gets to say who can (and who cannot)exercise discipline in schools

    Who gets to say who can, and who cannot, live in England ?"

    Not you, that's for sure...

  9. The problem with this issue, and many others like it, is that I don't think the police can actually solve or deal with much more than a small part of the problem.

    As for things like improving discipline, ending the welfare state, limiting migration - won't solve it. People like simple solutions to highly complex problems. If you were to ask me what we should do, I'd be honest - I have no idea. Perhaps much of the problem is that most us lead quite violence free lives, making the understanding of the context all the more complicated. Sure, we see it on the TV all the time, but we are rarely directly affected.

    BTW Juliam - thanks for popping voer to my blog. And when you get a chance go back to thread you posted on - you won't be disappointed!

    Cheers mate.

    Don Francisco

  10. "I don't think the police can actually solve or deal with much more than a small part of the problem."

    No, they certainly could do more than they currently do (if their hands weren't tied), but like CCTV, they are an afterthought, a 'clear up crew' - things have got too far by the time they are involved.

    The old 'preventative beat bobby' isn't coming back in any real sense, and the areas they'd have to patrol now would be vast.

    "As for things like improving discipline, ending the welfare state, limiting migration - won't solve it."

    'Won't solve it' in the sense it'd not result in a 100% improvement overnight, no, but make a difference in the long run? Yes, I think they would. Certainly, doing nothing in these areas is no longer an option.

    "Perhaps much of the problem is that most us lead quite violence free lives, making the understanding of the context all the more complicated. Sure, we see it on the TV all the time, but we are rarely directly affected."

    It's not been a problem for most people, no. But I think it's encroaching and normalising to the point where soon, everyone will know someone who's been a victim.

    If the crackdown had begun when it was mainly confined to rough estates, I doubt we'd be at the point we are now. But sadly, there's a certain mindset that says 'If it isn't affecting me...'.

    We know where that mindset leads now...

    "BTW Juliam - thanks for popping voer to my blog."

    You're welcome - it's a very good start! I wish you luck with it :)

  11. Who gets to define and say what "political correctness" is ?

    Anyone who isn't a progressive liberal marxist tool - which rules out the three main political parties, Sir Ian Blair, ACPO and most of the educationalists, judiciary and media.

    Who gets to say who is (and who is not exercising the correct degree of self-c?ontrol ?

    Our judges - not the EU or UN's - using English law - not "international" law.

    Who gets to say who can (and who cannot)exercise discipline in schools

    The parents - but not until we've sorted out your first question about pc.

    Who gets to say who can, and who cannot, live in England ?

    The English. Or is that too radical for you?

  12. "Or is that too radical for you?"

    Nope! That sound about right to me...

  13. Sounds like a piece of piss then Stan.

    Looks like you might be advocating some sort of radical take-over?

    Perhaps you could ask little Mark Thatcher to fund a helicopter for you ?

    On the one hand you argue that Judges make the decisions. Then you call them tools of marxism.

    Course, Julia rather likes the boy David. You seem to have less faith ?

    And which parents, and which teachers get to say who gets a wacking at School ? That's a bit dubious isn't it ?

    And, which type of "English" person are you on about that gets to say who stays and who doesn't?

    Gosh, that really is dubious. Getting all a bit Mugabe-esque I'd say.

    And I'm not surprised to see Julia add her tacit acceptance to your solutions although she bottled the question herself and threw insults at me instead.

    But it wont work. You must be a bit more honest about what you would actually do.

    I suspect you'd rather like a charismatic house painter (with a good war record) to emerge and become a champion for discipline and order. Now that would be something, wouldn't it ?


  14. "Looks like you might be advocating some sort of radical take-over? (rest of rant snipped for brevity and the protection of saner minds)"

    Yeah. That's right. You're spot on.

    Is it hot and sunny where you are, Total Twat...? Wear a hat, is my advice. Sunstroke is potentially dangerous.

    "...she bottled the question herself and threw insults at me instead."

    My blog, my rules. Don't like it? Then just take McGrath's recent advice to the race hustlers.

  15. "Sounds like a piece of piss then Stan."

    You started it, TT.

    "Looks like you might be advocating some sort of radical take-over?"

    Yeah - the idea of letting common sense have a say in anything is sooooooooo radical to people who think everything has to be micro-managed to the nth degree.

    "Perhaps you could ask little Mark Thatcher to fund a helicopter for you ?"

    Why? I'm not planning on going anywhere.

    "On the one hand you argue that Judges make the decisions. Then you call them tools of marxism."

    Errr - didn't you read the first point about pc? And didn't you see the bit about "English law" as opposed to EU or UN law? It seems you suffer from selective vision, TT - only see what you want to see. Seems to be a common complaint of progressive liberals.

    "Course, Julia rather likes the boy David. You seem to have less faith ?"

    Funny that - individuals having different ideas, TT. An alien concept to you, bo doubt. Go back to your groupthink.

    "And which parents, and which teachers get to say who gets a wacking at School ? That's a bit dubious isn't it ?"

    It's only dubious to people who can't think for themeselves.

    "And, which type of "English" person are you on about that gets to say who stays and who doesn't?"

    What is it about letting the English have a say in who lives in England that you don't like?

    "Gosh, that really is dubious. Getting all a bit Mugabe-esque I'd say."

    You should know.

    "And I'm not surprised to see Julia add her tacit acceptance to your solutions although she bottled the question herself and threw insults at me instead."

    What like "Mugabe-esque"?

    "But it wont work. You must be a bit more honest about what you would actually do."

    Or maybe it's just that I don't mind wasting some of my time trying to explain it to you.

    "I suspect you'd rather like a charismatic house painter (with a good war record) to emerge and become a champion for discipline and order. Now that would be something, wouldn't it ?"

    While you'd prefer a secular atheist, vegetarian, animal lover with a talent for rhetoric and an obsession with planning.

    I took the time to answer your questions politely and honestly and in response you've suggested that I'm a xenophobic Nazi who advocates genocide and oppression.

    How did I know that was going to happen? Oh yes - cos your're a progressive liberal who's usual response to reasoned conservative argument is to call that person a little Englander, Hitler loving genocidal maniac.

    TT - you are busted!

  16. Or maybe it's just that I don't mind wasting some of my time trying to explain it to you.

    You'll grow out of it, Stan... It's a waste of effort. TT is a troll. A deceptive one, to be sure as occasionally there are flashes of inspired comment, but usually followed by a quick return to sanctimonious, ill-informed assumption and misrepresentation.

    PS - I'm a secular atheist who doesn't do group think and is happy enough eating bits of dead animal ;)

    Oh, yeah, common sense is not as common as is commonly presumed. You may have noticed.

  17. "Course, Julia rather likes the boy David."

    David Cameron....?!

    That's about the most mistaken thing you've ever said here, and God knows, with your record, that's quite an achievement.

  18. "You'll grow out of it, Stan... It's a waste of effort. TT is a troll. A deceptive one, to be sure as occasionally there are flashes of inspired comment, but usually followed by a quick return to sanctimonious, ill-informed assumption and misrepresentation."

    You mean .... he's a progressive liberal? Swoon - who'd have thought it!

    It's Ok - I won't waste any more of my time on him. I just couldn't resist that stupid question about who gets to decide who lives in England. The answer is obvious to anyone who isn't a liberal progressive who assume that the decision of who gets to live in England is up to the unelected technocrats of the EU and UN.

    And it's OK to be a secular atheist. If it's any consolation I'm a Christian nationalist - no, not a closet BNP supporter - just someone who believes that the nation state is the ultimate expression of a peoples shared memory and cultural heritage.
